Friday, October 2, 2015

Charge and Cleanse your Crystals

"Keep what is worth  keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away." -Dinah McCraik
Just as a house has a yearly spring cleaning, your crystals should experience the same treatment.Crystals are more than capable of absorbing energy-having frequencies themselves-it should come as no surprise that our living jewels posses the ability to take on the various energies humans possess.While crystals Can take on the holders intentions,sometimes our intentions aren't always exuding the light from within.Once these crystals take a shot of bad vibrations they have no filtering system to release these heavy energies,This is when a Crystal Cleansing is called for.

Once you've chosen your crystal(or better yet,when they have chosen you). You will want to find a satchel for your gems to preserve your efforts. Your satchels can be any color you have an particular infinity towards.However,the satchel should be thick enough to prevent those 'airborne ailments' of negative effects. Likewise, your satchel should have a dense color aligning the inside. This could be deep purples,blues and black.

Like any electronic, your crystals can be 'Charged'or 'Programmed' with your purest intentions.But just as any good thing you want to begin with a Fresh,clean start.Although various mediums have circulated to Cleanse or Charge your Crystals, For the sake of ensuring your Crystals life expectancy,I will only list my preferred choices.

Methods Include:Burying your Crystal in a shallow yet healthy amount of sand or soil for a duration of 24 hours,Full moon Cleanse,Sunlight Cleanse,and Smudging.

Smudging is my personal favorite and a Technique that I feel directly and immediately corresponds with my intentions. Smudging can be achieved with a sage stick bundle,incense or sweet grass. Personally I've found the strongest effects come with a sage stick.

Take a comfortable position with your spine elongated. Allow yourself to Relax with a few deep breaths and meditate with your Crystal of choice.Visualize a serene and pure landscape,this can even include a bright white light.Next,you will want to take your smudging device and ignite it with a small flame from your lighter. Once aflame blow onto your smudging tool so the flame becomes a small ember and is capable of bellowing smoke.Pass your chosen crystal through this smoke several times while remaining present on your mediation. After several passes,extinguish your smudge and immediately place it into your satchel.Your crystal has now been Cleansed and Cleared for use.

You will find your Crystal to be light in weight and radiating with your intentions.Remember,this is a personal ceremony between you and your crystals and regular upkeep is preferred.If you are just beginning these techniques be sure to try a method that feels Right for you.Experimenting is more than welcomed. 

If any additional questions may arise or if you are less than comfortable with your abilities to perform these ceremonies please feel free to contact me personally.I  also perform ceremonies for people who are in need of charging for a specific invocation of their choice.

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